Que delicia, melhor site, por favor toque final com selena.
Since AOZ finds this gorgeous girls to do the videos, why don’t they invest in a good dog trainer so the dogs are more polite, they lick the girls for a while and stuff like that. The most decent dog they have is Simba, but they could do better. This girl suffered doing this, she definitely won’t do it again, just like Fantazi. The striptease was cool though.
This gotta be the best video ever or one of the best, this girl is just perfect, loved the screaming, and that dog it’s so good when stretching her
Great female… Hopefully she’ll never wear a mask any more for her next breedings.
Good female and an eager dog, equal nice litters!
Perfect breeding bitch she is! Definitely need to bring her back and the dog! Dog was in control of her the entire minute! The bitch really pleased her master
She cried a lot during the second sequence. I think that’s when she truly realized what she was doing, and that she was… It’s not easy to accept, and regrets don’t do much good at that point since she was already in it. It’s a shame her tearful face wasn’t well captured on film.
She cried a lot during the second sequence. I think that’s when she realized what she was doing, and that she was… it’s not easy to accept, and that point since she was already in it. It’s shame her tearful face wasn’t well captured on film.
Rica pvtita q se deja follar por un macho qué quiere penetrarla sin piedad
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